Clams with Lemon & Black Pepper Linguine

J bought an interesting pasta from an online grocery store: linguine with lemon and black pepper. We made our favorite simple clam pasta with the special pasta, thinking that lemon and black pepper would go very well with seafood.
The result was pretty good overall. We didn't taste lemon or black pepper from the pasta. On the other hand, it had a nice earthy flavor, which I guess came from wheat germ, a key ingredient of the pasta. Morelli Pasta Factory, the Italian pasta maker founded in 1860, explains why their product is unique - "the secret being an ingredient that is not found in most common types of pasta, which is wheat germ, the heart of the grain itself and which contains vitamin A, vitamin D, as well as vegetable protein." The nice chewy but light texture of the pasta may also be because of wheat germ. So, let's forget potential lemon and black pepper effects; the pasta was delightful.

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