All Beef Meatloaf

About a month ago, I made meatloaf for a British guest. He said he had never had meatloaf. That surprised me! Meat seems to be a center of the cuisine in England, well, at least in North Yorkshire, but meatloaf appears to be a stranger here. No wander why I haven't seen meatloaf mix (a mix of ground beef and pork) at a local grocery store. Although I could have bought ground beef and ground pork separately and mixed them, I decided to use only beef this time.

I adapted one of meatloaf recipes by Cooks Illustrated and made some changes such as replacing Monterey jack cheese with gouda. Monterey jack cheese is not common in England. Anyway, while the glaze that I created without ketchup was somehow too spicy for me, I was happy that J and his guest liked the meatloaf.

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