Delicious Japan - Home & Local

While exploring Osaka/Kobe/Kyoto region, my parents house, where I grew up, in Hyogo Prefecture was our base. They pampered us well in many ways! We had been enjoying various delicious foods outside during this trip. I am sure nothing could beat my mother's cooking.

My mother bought various bread from multiple local bakery for our breakfast.
Kuri-Gohan (Steamed rice with chestnut) - she knows my favorite!
Tofu Miso soup, green salad and steamed veggie according to my request.
Tai-no-Nanbanzuke (Fried red snapper marinated in homemade Japanese vinegary seasoning)
To make J happy, Tonkatsu (Deep-fried Pork), Shimeji-no-Osumashi (Japanese clear savory soup with mushroom),
Seaweed salad, and baked Shishamo (caplins)

Dessert after dinner was, of course, Baumkuchen! This was J's treat. Thank you J!!
One place I would like to take J to was a Japanese hamburger chain restaurant, MOS Burger. My parents drove us to the closest restaurant from home. It's a fast food franchise, but dedicates to using fresh and safe ingredients; their burger tastes so yummy!! They serves many kinds of burger including rice-burger which features rice buns, and dedicates to using fresh and safe ingredients. Each burger was small for J. He ordered two kinds of burgers, and I was happy he enjoyed both. By the way, MOS stands for Mountain, Ocean, Sun.
Family Lunch at MOS!
Mine was Mos Original burger; J picked Teriyaki and Special bacon burger;
My parents both enjoyed rice burger. In fact it was the first time for them to come to MOS.

Finally it was time to go back to the US. It was a wonderful memorable trip.

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