Foiled Salmon with Creamy Dill Sauce & Risotto Milanese

This was Foiled Salmon with Creamy Dill Sauce and Risotto Milanese.

It was a great dish to use a lot of fresh dill we had in the refrigerator. Salmon fillet was nicely steamed with a bunch of fresh dill along with lemon slices, chopped fresh chive, Sake, low-sodium soy sauce in the foil tent, and generously smeared with creamy dill sauce mixed fresh dill, mayo, sour cream, lemon juice, and salt & pepper. I liked salmon with the sauce very much while J suggested some Dijon mustard be added to the sauce to make the sauce a bit more lively. That would be a good idea.

Side was creamy chewy Risotto Milanese. When I cook this risotto, I always remember how much I love saffron's gorgeous color and flavor.

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