Pretzel Rolls

These were Pretzel Rolls.

We bought a couple of Pretzel Rolls from Wegmans a few weeks ago. I rarely eat pretzel in my life but fell in love the Pretzel Roll's shape and color when I saw them. Then, I thought I could make some by myself.

Sometimes I feel I can find any recipes online. There were several Pretzel Rolls recipes available. I chose one posted on Tasty Kitchen, a recipe sharing community site. The recipe seemed easy and making just right amount rolls, and 14 people loved it so far.

I didn't know like bagels, pretzels are boiled in traditionally lye but now commonly baking soda bath before baked, and use baking soda simmering water to make the deep "Pretzel" color, flavor and texture. I didn't mind of the extra step. The rolls floating in the hot alkaline bath were cute!

I reduced salt to 1 tsp and skipped sprinkling salt on top. I know Pretzel should be kinda salty, but I am a salt sensitive creature. In fact, just 1 tsp salt gave the rolls good saltiness.

They were great! The crust was crunchy and flavorful exactly like Pretzel. The crumb was soft and chewy. Now I won't need to go and buy Pretzel Rolls.

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