Sansho Chirimen

This was Sansho Chirimen, dried tiny fish flavored with Japanese Sansho peppercorns, on rice.

It was one of products that I brought back from Japan. Sansho pepper has a unique peppery punch, more like tingling and numbing in the mouth, just like Sansho's brother, Szechuan pepper although Sansho is green while Szechuan pepper is red. Sansho Chirimen is so good with white rice. I quickly finished up a pack of Sansho Chirimen with two bowl of rice, so I didn't have a chance to share it with J. I also have a pack of Aoziso Chirimen, dried tiny fish flavored with Japanese basil, green Shiso, which I haven't opened yet.
I can share it with J, or I will enjoy alone...

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