Herb Chicken Sandwiches

This was herb chicken sandwich.

There was still a plenty of the bread loaf left over that was enough for another sandwich dinner, and a small portion of egg salad that was not enough to make three sandwiches like yesterday. I went to a local grocery and picked up a small pack of bone-less, skin-less chicken breast. The level said "large cut." I thought one big piece of chicken breast. Later I found out it was several large chunks. That wasn't a big issue. I simply placed all chunks in the zip lock bag along with lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, vermouth, some fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme and sage, some dried herb mix from Penzeys, black pepper and a little bit of salt. The chicken was marinated in the refrigerator until J came back, and pan-fried.
One herb chicken and half egg salad for person this time. The made-up marinated chicken was very tasty. The sandwich was enjoyable. I will pick up the "large cut" chicken breast again. It was handy!

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