Take-out Indian Dinner from Namasute, again

This was a take-out Indian dinner from Namasute, a local Indian restaurant, again!

This time we ordered tandoori salmon, Baigan Bharta - baked eggplant, mashed and seasoned with herbs, and Malai Kofta - vegetable and cottage cheese dumplings simmered in a savory gravy of onions and tomato, garlic and fresh herbs. Each dish was fine while my favorite this time was Malai Kofta. We also got a Kashmiri naan for next day's breakfast. We have never had a Kashmiri naan before. The description on the menu was "naan stuffed with raisins and almonds." We expected it would be not savory rather sweet. In fact, it wasn't sweet at all. First of all, I wasn't sure what I was really tasting. I didn't identify raisins and almonds clearly. Instead, the filling tasted like coconuts.
Most surprising thing was the filling was in pink! Was this really a Kashimiri naan?! Laster I found it must have been. I saw some photos of Kashimiri naan online and they showed a pinky filling. An online recipe called for candied cherries for filling. Apparently the pink color comes from cherries. I also found a recipe that used coconuts along with cashews and golden raisins. So, it was possible the naan we had actually contained coconuts. The single naan unexpectedly posed questions. Ah, the mystery of Kashimiri naan...

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