Dundee Cake

This was Dundee Cake.

It was my latest project to discover new traditional British baked goods by adapting a recipe from my new British baking cookbooks. I have two books and both had a recipe of this traditional Scottish fruit cake. The recipes looked like just a pound cake with dried fruits. However, one of key ingredients of the cake is orange peels or marmalade because the cake was originally created by Keiller of Dundee, the first commercial marmalade producer, according to one of my books. Such history made me think this cake was not just an ordinary fruit cake but special one for me to bake and taste!
It was relatively easy to make. I adapted both recipes and mixed them and created my own one. I used coconut sugar, which was why the dough was dark. I also added more rum. I love rummy sweets!
It required much longer baking time than what the recipe suggested, but after all, the cake was beautifully baked! Here was a challenge. Both recipes said the cake shall be rested for 3 days for the best. Can we really wait?! We did wait until... the next day. We were sure there would be some left on the third day! 
The cake was, yes, like a fruit cake, but very tasty! I think coconut sugar and extra rum brought deep flavors to the cake, which made it even better. I didn't see the third day was the best, but the cake definitely stayed well at least for 4 days when it disappeared.

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