Good-Bye & Hallo 8 - Wiesbaden, Germany

Finally we arrived at Wiesbaden, Germany, our final destination! Like Harrogate, Wiesbaden is an old spa town that became famous in the 19th century. Unlike Harrogate, several thermal springs are still simmering below the city today. I would love to try a spa someday! Wiesbaden is beautiful with Art Nouveau style architecture and green of street trees, gardens and parks. It's a capital city of the state of Hessen while the size of the city center is rather compact, which allows me to walk around for shopping easily.

There are many restaurants in the city. Dining at Der Kleine König was one of the introductions for us to get to know Germany cuisine. It was in early May. White asparagus soup was on the menu. And bratwurst and potato salad for me. Currywurst and French fries for J. German sausages for beginners. There are over 1,000 kinds of sausages in this country. More to go!

Approximately 1,000 mile road trip from Harrogate through north France ended was enjoyable. It was a  wonderful experience to start the new chapter of our lives. Hallo, Wiesbaden!

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