Paris Chocolate Tasting

Which chocolate we bought in Paris was the best? J and I both liked Alain Ducasse's chocolate very much! We got a box of Gourmet Ganaches that comes with 11 original and creative flavors from fresh fruit or spices. The ganaches were truly delightful. Each was small and thin and melt in the mouth beautifully. 

Patrick Roger's chocolate was very nice too. We got a box of BR5 assortment that contains both ganaches and pralines. In my opinion Roger's chocolate was bold while Ducasse's more delicate. My preference was Ducasse's.

We also visited Maison Georges Larnicol during our Paris trip and brought a basket of cookie and chocolate assortment home. It was our trip to Bath, England when I saw Larnicol's chocolate first time. I liked it very much and wanted to try his cookies this time. Three kinds of cookies and crunchy almond chocolate rocks were wonderful. One of the cookies in the basket was Mini-Torchettes - Galette made from almonds, hazelnuts, raisins, seaweed, a hint of rum... Seaweed???  

Très bien!

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