Bettys' Victoria Sponge Cake

My second Victoria sponge cake was Bettys! The first one was by F&M, which was filled with raspberry jam and rich cream (I think, butter cream) between sweet and bright lemony cake. This was filled with vanilla buttercream and strawberry preserve. The part of sponge cake was slightly denser than F&M's, but maybe moister and finer than F&M's. The cake was sweet but less sugary than F&M's. Overall, I preferred Bettys' version although my judge may be unfair to F&M's. I wish I could compare one with the other side by side.

The structure of Victoria sponge cake is simplicity itself - sponge cake and jam (and often cream, too). Hence, it can be hard to make by myself. How dense, fluffy, crumbly, moist, eggy, buttery, or high the sponge cake should be? The quality/freshness of jam would be important; then, store-bought or homemade? What level of sweetness, sourness, concentration of jam? First of all, strawberry or raspberry? How about cream? With or without? Probably, with because I love cream. Traditional butter cream or progressive whipped heavy cream? What volume ratio among the three components would be the best? Should I skip the sugar dust on the top against the tradition? Would it look pretty? etc... I'm indecisive. I shall stick to taste pre-made one and enjoy reviewing it.

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