Birchfield Family Dairies

J surprised me by driving me to a wonderful ice cream farm, Birchfield Family Dairies in the valley of Nidderdale!

The farm makes about 30 different flavors. According to them, "only natural flavours and colourings are used to make the most scrumpcious ice cream you will find."

I tasted rum & raisin and J did Lotus Biscoff (I think). Mine was so delicious! Extremely creamy, rich but not heavy at all. It was a bit chilly day, but I had no problem to finish my cone. In fact, I could have one more.

The farm is a home to Jersey cows, pigs, as well as sheep. When we visited them, it was early spring, a lambing season! There were so many baby lamb. They were so cute!!

I was luckily able to give a baby lamb milk with a nursing bottle and to see a baby lamb being born.

I hope J will take me to the farm next lambing season again!

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