Made With Ananda Chocolate @ Harewood

Harewood had a market space. About a dozen of local vendors offered various things, including arts, cup cakes, leather items, local-crafted beer, handmade natural soap, and chocolate. Made with Ananda was a chocolate maker in Leeds. They handmade organic "bean to bar" chocolate in very small batches. They offered us to sample a piece of each bar. How could we say no? I did all. We both liked 75% cacao bar with a pleasant sent of rose. J enjoyed 75% cacao bar with a chai flavor. I thought 75% cacao bar made with wild Beniano Bolivian cacao was smooth and delicate. We bought those three bars to take home with us. Interestingly all we picked were 75% cacao. That must be our favorite percentage of cacao.

There were also a little farm and a bird garden in Harewood. We took a walk with ducks and "balloon" birds (I don't know their real name) while we watched various exotic birds living in cages. 

Like Lotherton Hall, Harewood had a pool for penguins! Many of them were still sleeping in the holes, but three were active. 

We were so close to them! So cute!!

Harewood operated a little ferry to go to the walled garden at the far side of the lake in three minutes. It was slow but easy to ride.

It was too early to see any fruits or vegetables growing in the walled garden. It would be lovely to see the canopies covered with fresh leaves! A good thing was nobody was there and the garden was very peaceful. We enjoyed a peaceful walk, admiring pretty early spring blossoms and flowers.

Instead of taking a ferry back, we walked along the lakeshore to go back. On our way, we explored in the Himalayan Garden to see where various mountain plants.

We had a very nice time in Harewood. There were so many things to see!

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