Mustard Tasting - Walnut Dijon

This was our new mustard - Walnut Dijon, or "Moutard aux noix" from France.

I have been interested in this kind of mustard, which has been seeing on Zingerman's website as well as on Dean and Delca's. When we went to Sur La Table recently, J found the mustard and suggested trying one. He somehow reads my mind. This day's dinner was going to be the exact same as yesterday because we still had all the sandwich kits. Why don't we open the special mustard to make a small difference from the day before?
We tasted the mustard a bit before spreading on bread. Excellent! Creamy texture and nice bright "Dijon" spiciness. I am sure great for many things including sandwiches. In terms of sandwiches, I didn't assemble them like yesterday's Afternoon Tea style, but All in One style.
Good mustard makes good sandwich, I say.

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