Banana Muffins with Chocolate Bottom

This was a homemade banana muffin with chocolate bottom.

The bottom part couldn't see from outside because the outside was evenly browned. But when I bit a muffin, Aha! I could find the chocolate bottom! I made the chocolate layer by mixing a table spoon of cocoa powder in the half dough. Without real chocolate, a lovely chocolaty flavor at the bottom! A healthy surprise! However, the layer was thin and the flavor was subtle. J might not know it was there...
There were more healthy arrangements. I used only coconut sugar for sweetener, which is supposed to be a healthier alternative to regular sugar. There was no butter but a few table spoons of peanut oil. Total nine muffins shared only 1 egg. I mixed 1/2 cup of flaxseed meal.
J might not know his breakfast was not just yummy but also so healthy!

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