Peach, Mint & Candies Pecan Ice Cream

This was peach, mint and candied pecan ice cream.

2015 can be our biggest ice cream year ever! It's because our fresh mint has been growing wonderfully and minty ice cream has become our new summer dessert favorite. After we quickly finished minty dark chocolate ice cream, we were thinking of what flavor we should make next. Of course, it will be made with our mint. Our idea was peach + mint + candied pecan.
I picked six fresh yellow peaches. Some were well-ripen; some still hard. After I simply pureed all and tasted it, it was lovely sweet and full of peach flavors! Peaches in season didn't need roasting or macerating with sugar at all.
Ice cream base was made by following Jeni's recipe and replacing all sugar with agave syrup as usual. I didn't use as much mint as last time. Bright fresh peach flavors with a hint of mint was my ideal goal. I wasn't sure how much peach puree I should mix in. All puree from 6 peaches looked a lot and could turn creamy ice cream into icy sorbet. I mixed about 2 cups of puree into the ice cream base, and almost 2 cup puree leftover became my treat.
I learned how to make candied nuts when I made Nougat glacé. By using the same technique, I made candied pecan and mixed them into ice cream once churning ice cream in the machine was done. After dinner, although the ice cream wasn't fully harden yet, we couldn't help but have a couple of scoops! It was truly delightful. In the first bite, a mint flavor popped up and then lovely sweet fresh peach emerged and stayed to the end. Crunchy nutty pecan bits were enjoyable. We enjoyed the ice cream so much!

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