Fried Okras Spiced with the Colonel's Secret

These were fried okras spiced with the Colonel's secret.

We bought a pack of fresh okras at our new favorite local farm stand. I thought of making vegetarian gumbo, but the idea didn't excite J. Instead J proposed Southern style fried okras. I usually don't like fried foods but that's me who would love to make J's dream come true as much as possible. How sweet I am!
I didn't have a specific recipe of fried okras. I made oven-baked crispy okras a few years ago. Honestly, I don't remember anything about the experience. Recently I made cornmeal-fried pork chops and liked the crust very much. Applying the crust recipe to fried okra was a way to go!
J gave me a fascinating idea. He told me about a recent news about the KFC's secret recipe revealed in public. He thought it would be fun to make our fried okras' crust seasoned like the worldwide famous fried chicken. It must be fun! According an article by Chicago Tribute, the KFC founder, Colonel Sanders' recipe included 11 herbs and spices. I didn't follow the volume or ratio, but added some of all those ingredients to cornmeal to make the Colonel's recipe-inspired seasoned crust.
The result was a sort of ambivalent. The crust was lovely crispy and okras inside were nicely cooked although the okras didn't taste like KFC's fried chicken at all. They had a nice flavor for me; J thought I should add more herbs and spiced next time. Anyway, we enjoyed the okras and the experiment very much.

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