Pudding au Chocolat Noir & Black Sesame Ice Cream

This was Pudding au chocolat noir, or Black Chocolate Pudding. And homemade black sesame ice cream. Also, a candle because it was J's birthday cake plate.

The pudding, made with 70% Belgian Callebaut chocolate, was rich and melt-in-the-mouth. Smooth chocolate sauce was made with 60% Ghirardelli chocolate, whipping cream, butter, and Japanese cane sugar. Both were served little warmer than room temperature. Words can't describe how heavenly chocolaty it was! Super!

Black sesame ice cream was one of J's special memories from our Japan trip last year. So for his special B-day, I wanted to recreate it in my own way with my Japanese black sesame paste that my mother sent me for Christmas.
I churned evaporated milk, low-fat milk, Greek yogurt, honey, vanilla extra and black sesame paste in my ice cream machine. The result was fabulous sesame-honey frozen yogurt. One refreshing scoop made a fantastic contrast with the chocolate pudding.

Happy birthday J!

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