Bulgur & Cashew Nut Lettuce Wrap with Egg-Tofu Sour Soup

This was Bulgur & Cashew Nut Lettuce Wrap with Egg-Tofu Sour Soup.

Bulgur & Cashew Nut Lettuce Wrap was my made-up dish by replacing chicken with bulgur. We liked the chicken version, but we just had chicken. Bulgur has lovely nutty flavor and good texture. A bonus was nice starch from bulgur, which made the filling hold somewhat together. Bulgur is rich in fiber, protein, magnesium, etc... much healthier than chicken. I thought I was cleaver! When I told J today's dinner would be lettuce wrap, J said "chicken?" I said, "no, but vegetarian." The conversation was over...
The seasoning was exactly same as the chicken version. Wrap the yummy filling with butter lettuce and eat! I love butter lettuce. They played their role perfectly.
I also made egg and tofu sour soup. Our chive on the deck has been growing back this spring. That's so handy!
I didn't ask J how he liked the filling. He made some wraps and ate them. He said nothing. At least no complains. He finished the soup up, which was good too. So I guess this dinner was ok with him after all. I hope so because I would LOVE to repeat again!

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