Niku-Jaga, again

This was homemade Niku-Jaga.

I have no idea what made me take so long to make this very traditional hearty Japanese dish again. I made Dashi, or Japanese soup stock for Niku-Jaga very seriously and professionally by using generous amount of real Kombu (kelp, a type of seaweed) and real Katsuo-bushi (dried bonito flakes) and extracting Umami from Kombu as much as possible, immersing Kombu in water overnight and simmering it very slowly, as well as Umami from Katsuo-bushi quickly but properly.
For the "Niku" part, or meat, Japanese recipes usually call for thinly slices of inexpensive fatty beef cut. Such a slice is not available here. So, I used two rib eye steaks of grass fed organic beef. My premium Niku-Jaga was absolutely delicious!

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