Baked Haddock in Foil & Sautéed Samphire

Our latest baked fish in foil was with haddock and my new ingredient, samphire. I met samphire at a restaurant in Robin Hood's Bay this spring. Since then, I have been interested in having the interesting plant again. Luckily I found a pack of samphire at a local M&S when I was shopping haddock.

According to the instructions on the package, you can sauté or steam samphire. I sautéed it with butter, and made a nest with it for the fish. I still loved the taste and texture of "sea asparagus" very much, but it was really salty! The plant was supposed to be naturally salty, but those we had in Robin Hood's Bay wasn't as salty as this one. Is there any way to reduce the saltiness? To find a solution is my homework now.

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