When the 'Haute Pâtisserie' Joins Neuhaus...

This was Neuhaus's luxury chocolate box titled "When the 'Haute Pâtisserie' joins Neuhaus..." that J gave me along with the History collection for Christmas!

Like the History collection, the box was very elegant. Fluted round circle in light green and gold. It was filled with exquisite pralines created by nine internationally awarded Chefs Pâtissiers from 2 cities of Belgium, Paris, Barcelona, London, Michelstadt, New York, Tokyo and Shanghai. As the results of their own "creative, cultural and gastronomic inspiration," nine unique pralines were presented!
Each praline must have been like a playground of each Chef Pâtissier - fruity, citrusy, floral, nutty, and/or caramelly flavors; a crispy or smooth texture; dark or milk ganache/chocolate. For example, one of the Chef Pâtissiers, originally from Paris and now in NY, linked two cultures: an American favorite, peanut butter ganache and a soft toffee covered in milk chocolate, inspired by childhood memories; another from Tokyo married the refreshing aroma of yuzu, a well-known citrus fruit in Japanese cuisine and the bitter intense taste of dark chocolate.
All nine pralines were amazing! I couldn't pick the best. Everything was distinctively delicious. I usually prefer dark chocolate but in this case I really enjoyed milk chocolate as well as dark chocolate. The two Neuhaus gift boxes were very sensational. Thank you so much Santa J!!

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