"Buta-Tama" version of Japanese Cabbage Pancake

Japanese cabbage pancake, Okonomiyaki was another solution to use cabbage leftover up. One of the best way to eat cabbage, at least for me. When I made Okonomiyaki in the US, it was literally cabbage pancake although I usually added some scallions. I tried to make Okonomiyaki with thin sliced fatty pork, Buta-Tama, which is a very common version in Japan, but such a pork cut wasn't available in the US. Therefore, it has never done. Here, in England, there are unsmoked bacon slices. They looked suitable for Buta-Tama. I took a chance.

Because there was a lot of cabbage, I ended up with making two jumbo pancakes with two pans. J looked shocked. Cabbage is not his favorite.

Ta-da! My first homemade Buta-tama! Actually it looked s bit weird. I have never seen Okonomiyaki made with red cabbage. The color made the pancake strange for me, but it tasted as great as I expected. J ate half a pancake. Good job!

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