Homemade Carbonnade à la Flamande & Salade Liegeoise

Homemade Carbonnade à la Flamande in England! Our recent trip to Belgium certainly inspired me to cook Belgian beef, beer, onion stew again. We had the Belgian classic dish in Brussels although honestly it wasn't impressive. I followed a recipe by Cook's Illustrated again. Unlike the last time, I was able to find blade steaks at a local butcher. For beer, I didn't see the same brand that I used before at grocery stores here. The brand was common in the US, but perhaps may not be here. I picked a bottle of dark-color Belgian beer at a local M&S store, hoping the stew would be fine with it. The result was pretty good! Very flavorful. The stew might be somehow better than one I made before, definitely much better than one we had in Brussels. The meat was so tender. Glad I found the proper cut. I served the stew with egg noodles. Egg noodles were another product that I don't see in local grocery stores. I have seen thin and short dried egg noodles for chicken soup, but not a wide and wavy type that you can find at any grocery store in the US. I found egg noodles that were close to those in the US in a local Polish grocery store, which were fine with the stew. Salade Liegeoise was my made-up based on the salad we had in Brussels. I combined white wine vinegar and cider vinegar to make bright sour vinaigrette. It turned out very well, too!