Eggplant Zhajiangmian

This was Eggplant Zhajiangmian.

According to wiki, actual Zhajiangmian is "a Chinese dish consisting of thick wheat noodles topped with a mixture of ground pork stir-fried with zhajiang, which is salty fermented soybean paste." This was pretty far from the description. First I didn't have fermented soybean paste; instead, I used Miso, soy sauce and oyster sauce to develop rich savory flavors. Second I didn't use ground pork; instead, I used eggplant. Third I didn't choose thick noodle; instead, I boiled thin Ramen noodles.
Still I would like to call this dish as a type of Zhajiangmian for the sake of convenience. It was very much tasty. J quickly finished his bowl. That was a positive sign to let me make it again.

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