Senju Cookies by Kogetsu

These were one of my favorite cookies, named Senju, made by Kogetsu, the Japanese shop that made the cute Japanese Buche de Noel we enjoyed this holiday season.

These cookies were also gifts from my parents in Japan. The waves of cookies represent thousands of water waves and the marks on top of cookies represent flying cranes. Cranes are a symbol of happiness and longevity, saying cranes live millenniums. So the cookies show a dynamic scenery of the nature that expresses an eternal happy life = Senju. It sounds romantic, isn't it?
My parents sent us two kinds of flavors: original vanilla and brandy-soaked candied chestnut (so-called, Marron Glace, a confection originated in the southern France and the northern Italy) cream. Both were heavenly delicious. The paper package was cute and each cookie was carefully wrapped individually. Very Japanese! Very! Actually these cookies were the "mini" version of the original cookies. I have eaten the original sized cookies in Japan. Those "mini" were Kogetsu's new products according to my mother. The original sized cookies were born over 50 years ago when the Japanese traditional sweet maker met a German waffle machine. At that time, the cookies must have been very modern. And the cookie's lovely taste and texture has been keeping up with the passing time. The ageless cookies.

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